Bio "Raphy" Sabidare

Bio "Raphy" Sabidare

Cotonou, Benin
Life & Executive Coach
English, French

Certified in

My Coaching

Bio (known as "Raphy" or "B") is The Best Mindset Clarity Coach In The World #TBMCCITW. He works with no more than a dozen personal one-on-one clients a year and his clients are by invitation or referral only. His coaching is highly personalized & tailor-made for each individual client, ranging from $12,000 to $100,000 a year. An expert in deep inner peace & natural focus amid this increasingly uncertain world, Bio is the founder of The Limitless Life 1% Club – a select and elite group of highly empowered global young leaders, entrepreneurs & corporate executives who deliberately live their highest lives versions by conscious design including soul -mind -heart -body -lifestyle Bio’s clients are mostly Young Millenials and Gen Z global citizens who are already impactful & passionate, confident & successful. Individuals who have already achieved a great deal in life at a relatively young age. And individuals who – despite a track record of achievements in their lives – still have massive, highly transformational or “moonshot” goals ahead of them… Like the Fortune 500 MNC executive in Europe who was struglling with negative self talk and impostor syndrome in her new role. She wasn't feeling totally at her ease with work-from-home chellenges during the covid19 pandemic. 3 weeks into coaching, these issues moved back to a distant past and she reported to feel more peaceful & focused at work and in her relationships with loved ones at home. She also noticed that she started receiving regular acknowledgements and appreciation from her superviors, road to future promotions. And the non-profit organization leader in the US who built the confidence to turn down an attractive job offer in a MNC to follow his vision – being the leader of an international youth organization and impacting thousands of lives … Few months later he achieved his goal and is now leading a community of 12,000+ youth from all over the globe. Let's connect, click on the first link below.

Spoken Languages

English French



Life & Executive Coach


Coaching or Personal Training

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