Tim Luke
Sioux Falls, United States
Transformation Coach
Certified in
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Hi! Iām Tim Luke, a Real Estate Broker Associate and Realtor Relations Specialist in the Mortgage industry. I help real estate agents thrive by expanding their strategies, generating new leads, and creating additional revenue streams. I foster both personal and professional growth for realtors.
šš”šØ š šš¦:
š„š²š®š¹ šššš®šš² ššæš¼šøš²šæšššš¼š°š¶š®šš²: Providing guidance in residential and commercial real estate transactions to diversify and maximize opportunities.
š„š²š®š¹šš¼šæ š„š²š¹š®šš¶š¼š»š š¦š½š²š°š¶š®š¹š¶šš: Assisting agents in evolving strategies, generating leads, and expanding revenue streams, working with Mortgage Bankers, Brokers, Investors and expanding into commercial markets.
šš²šæšš¶š³š¶š²š± ššš½š»š¼ššµš²šæš®š½š¶šš: Specializing in personal and business development, establishing peak performance and flow states.
šš²šæšš¶š³š¶š²š± šš¼š®š°šµ: With an education and certifications in virtual coaching, personal performance and business coaching. I offer tailored guidance and support.
šššš¶š»š²šš šš²šš²š¹š¼š½šŗš²š»š šš±šš¼š°š®šš²: Offering insights and tools to drive growth, optimize performance, and build sustainable success.
šŖšµš®š š šš¼:
šš»š»š¼šš®šš¶šš² šš²š®š± šš²š»š²šæš®šš¶š¼š»: Crafting strategies to help agents discover and cultivate new client opportunities.
š„š²šš²š»šš² š¦ššæš²š®šŗ ššæš²š®šš¶š¼š»: Developing additional revenue streams through commercial real estate sales, investor and mortgage industry partnerships.
š£š²š®šø š£š²šæš³š¼šæšŗš®š»š°š² šš¼š®š°šµš¶š»š“: Enhancing focus, resilience, and professional success through hypnotherapy and development practices.
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š½š®š»šš¶š¼š» š¦šš½š½š¼šæš: Helping agents thrive in new and emerging real estate markets.
š¦ššæš®šš²š“š¶š° š£š®šæšš»š²šæššµš¶š½š: Building strong, collaborative relationships for win-win scenarios.
Spoken Languages
Transformation Coach
Coaching or Personal Training
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