Gabriele  Whyard

Gabriele Whyard

Brookings, United States
English, German

Certified in


22 years in recovery, owning and operating substance use and mental health medical practices for close to 20 years led to lifetime journey of studying physical and mental health. Always on the side that nature provides what we need and the desire to stay away from many of the conventional medications commonly accepted took my studies in a few directions; dietary, a functioning gallbladder the result, meditation, and sound, by itself or coupled with psychedelics, much improved mental health the result. At the core of our behavior with substances, food, relationship etc. is Epigenetics, more specifically Epigenetic Trauma, think of how a substance makes you feel? Tingly, warm? To better understand the motivation behind the behavior is my key focus when coaching clients. I employ a trauma informed approach that shines a light on the why and gives agency back to the human seeking wellness. Whenever possible I like to combine these 3 offerings I refer to as the trifecta of healing modalities. Originally from Germany with Polish heritage, I also share my passion for foods and cooking. As part of my coaching offering included is one virtual cooking class where we cook a few dishes from your superfoods list together. Food can be a lot of fun as well as art and it does not have to be difficult. As a coach my goal is to empower you with practical tools that will serve you a lifetime. Another natural body healing method is Somatic Sex Education, more specifically Sexological Bodywork. A sexual trauma survivor and more, I spend a few years immersing myself in its practice and it was a game changer, mentally and physically! My website has information about the work which will part of an affiliate offering moving forward. The MiHUMANTRiBE website is currently being updated, tbc Dec 2024, to accurately reflect all my current offerings. I look forward to working with you if my bio and story resonates…I’d love to hear yours. Let’s make being well an exciting journey.

Spoken Languages

English German





Healers and Alternative Medicine

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