Mindy Parmar

Mindy Parmar

Toronto, Canada
Certified Athletic Trainer

Certified in


For the last 30 years, my life has been focused on health and wellness. I am an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner and also a Fitness Professional. Life Coaching was something that intrigued me and I completed my Life Coaching Certification last year. When I heard about the Viome CNC course, I was immediately intrigued. Nutrition has always been important to me and I have worked through many years of understanding my gut issues. Having the knowledge about the human body with many years of experience working with people, I am able to really zone in on the issues that need to be addressed in order to work towards a healthy body, mind and spirit. As an Osteopathic practitioner, I am able to see things on a bigger picture but also able to find the root of the problem. I am very passionate about helping people become the best they can be and I wake up excited every day to be able to help people achieve this.

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Certified Athletic Trainer


Alternative Medicine

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